Edd SHERVINGTON is a 39-year-old Welsh rugby player standing at 1.8 m tall (5 ft 11 in) and weighing in at 111 kg (17 st 6.71 lb; 244.71 lb) , who currently plays for Wasps in England as hooker.
For all datasheets below, keep in mind that we may not have all datas yet and some stats may be empty, incomplete or missing. But we are working on it. Thank you for your understanding.
With the sheets below, we detail all the Edd SHERVINGTON's statistics by tournament, by team for the season 2016/2017. We can easily respond to questions like :
With the sheets below, we detail all the Edd SHERVINGTON's statistics by tournament, by team for the season 2015/2016. We can easily respond to questions like :
With the sheets below, we detail all the Edd SHERVINGTON's statistics by tournament, by team for the season 2014/2015. We can easily respond to questions like :
With the sheets below, we detail all the Edd SHERVINGTON's statistics by tournament, by team for the season 2013/2014. We can easily respond to questions like :
Tries in italic are tries without conversion, these tries are usually scored between the posts and do not require conversion to speed up the game. This rule was introduced in MLR in 2022 and these tries are worth 7 points.